Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Monologue?
This is a workshop program designed to build confidence and foster an enjoyment of solo performance. Students take part in a series of games for actors aimed at freeing the imagination, strengthening the voice, exploring character, and finding ultimate focus for the delivery of their award winning monologue!

Program present Gavin Vance models the character for a student in a five day play workshop at a Primary School in Sydney’s Inner West.
Session 1 – Improvisation Exercises & Games for Actors
Students learn the importance of observation and focus for building character and playing an objective. In pairs, they then present improvised performances to the group, and from observing these, our presenter selects the right monologue for each student, and hands these out along with tips for how aural and visual learners best learn lines!
Sessions 2&3 – Blocking / Gesture / Characterisation Technique / Rehearsal
After a series of exercises on blocking, stage directions and physical gesture, students learn the craft of building a character, comparing Stanislavski’s methods to Le Coq’s as we discuss internal and external qualities of being human. Students learn about beats, the power of pause, and working with an objective as rehearsals begin in pairs.
Sessions 4&5 – Rehearsal & Performance
After final exercises in vocal projection, physical gesture and expression, students rehearse in pairs for performance, with the presenter circulating to direct each one. Stage 3 concludes with a presentation performance.
Information for Parents
Available to Primary Years 3-6 & Secondary Years 7-10
Over 5 consecutive days 9am-5pm
- 30 student maximum per course / session
- Cost per student $280
- TO BOOK, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL US ON 0467 375 368 or email Gavin Vance: director@redroar.com.au