Red Roar Creative Registration Form

Really – Who’s Afraid?

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June 8, 2016 by

RED ROAR runs a really fun (but slightly scary sounding) public speaking program for both Stage 2 & Stage 3 students in Newtown, Haberfield & Erskineville. It’s called ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Monologue. With guidance, students write, learn, rehearse and perform their own short solo pieces. Of the hundreds who have taken part so far, we’ve only had two or three parents say that they think solo performance is a bit beyond the years we are teaching it to. Well, yesterday, I bumped into the mum of a student who did the course two years running and has now moved on to High School. She said: ‘Rose won a prize in a public speaking competition last week and wanted you to know she owes it all to you!’ Now, of course we all know that Rose would have picked up tricks and tips from school and heaps of other sources too, but we’re really proud to have played a part, and we now proceed more confidently than ever before, knowing that we’ve got the balance right between ACHIEVABILITY & CHALLENGE!!Royal-Mail-Stamps-RSC-Hamlet

Red Roar Creative Registration Form


“The Five-Day Play was the best fun Liesl has had in the school holidays for a long time! She thoroughly enjoyed it and loved the build up to performance on the final day (which the parents enjoyed as much as the kids). It really was wonderful to see them in action.” Liesl’s Mum - Lynda Jupp, October 2013

'The larger Kids Theatre providers don't produce programs as fun as these, or performances as good as these! Red Roar is is REAL value for money!' Maddie's Mum, Kerrie Cant, February 2014

"Thank you again for giving the kids the space to play, learn and grow. We can't wait for the next one!" Georgia Bartley, April 2014

“… The passion they have for what they do, and their attention to detail, make them a fabulous asset to any school.” Abbey Proud – Principal, Newtown Public School

“ … perfectly pitched and presented … The students were being inspired… These programs gave them maximum enjoyment, more confidence, and a fuller sense of belonging.” Anna Carmody – The Song Room