Red Roar Creative Registration Form

This Feedback Makes Us Very Proud!

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May 4, 2016 by

We just received this fantastic feedback from Nonie Wales, Mother of our Newtown After School & School Holiday program students: Grace & Hamish … It makes us very proud … Had to share …

‘ … I want to thank you for creating such a positive experience for Grace & Hamish. As you know, we were especially aware that Hamish might find it difficult, and you and Sarah did a fantastic job of giving Hamish the space to get into his skin, find his comfort zone, and we couldn’t believe his participation by the end! What a thrill for him, and for us too, to see his excitement and pride on the night of the performance.

You do amazing work with the kids, and I cannot imagine how exhausting it is! You put every fibre of your being into it, and that is clear. So too the results… the children sense your whole engagement and they follow you in, boots and all.

I am sure there are days when you wonder about your chosen career path (as we all do!) and so I want you to know how wonderful your work is, and that we’re very grateful to have you as part of our school. You rock!’


Red Roar Creative Registration Form


“The Five-Day Play was the best fun Liesl has had in the school holidays for a long time! She thoroughly enjoyed it and loved the build up to performance on the final day (which the parents enjoyed as much as the kids). It really was wonderful to see them in action.” Liesl’s Mum - Lynda Jupp, October 2013

'The larger Kids Theatre providers don't produce programs as fun as these, or performances as good as these! Red Roar is is REAL value for money!' Maddie's Mum, Kerrie Cant, February 2014

"Thank you again for giving the kids the space to play, learn and grow. We can't wait for the next one!" Georgia Bartley, April 2014

“… The passion they have for what they do, and their attention to detail, make them a fabulous asset to any school.” Abbey Proud – Principal, Newtown Public School

“ … perfectly pitched and presented … The students were being inspired… These programs gave them maximum enjoyment, more confidence, and a fuller sense of belonging.” Anna Carmody – The Song Room